Energy Exporter

United Kingdom

Southside Housing Association Inspection and Maintenance of Solar Panels and Inverters 211 Gün Kaldı

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Southside Housing Association Inspection and Maintenance of Solar Panels and Inverters
United Kingdom


<p>The services to be carried out under this Contract cover a three-year period. The scope of services comprises the annual visual inspection to solar panels and inverters, all accessible internal cabling and equipment to be visually inspected and any electrical components including inverter, AC and DC isolators to be inspected internally for evidence of overheating. Generation meter readings and the recording of generation readings for each year over the term of the contract and two-yearly aerial survey of the solar array.</p>

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Talep Sahibi

+44 1414221112
135 Fifty Pitches Road, Glasgow, G51 4EB
United Kingdom - Glasgow

Firma Adı : Southside Housing Association


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